Drama In A Small Town - C. Nouailhaguet
Title: Drama In A Small Town Composer(s): Christophe Nouailhaguet Album: #Nocturnal Reflections Album content: A cinematic collection of little pieces and improvisations like reflections in the nocturnal mirror. Especially designed for romantic, intimate and nostalgic atmospheres. Track description: No flute version - Cinematic and nostalgic underscore with atmospheric feeling. Edit point at 0:42, at 1:14, at 1:30. Style/mood: Cinematic Romantic Nostalgic Suspens Instruments: Acoustic guitar Strings Texture Tempo: Medium Duration: 02:08 Version: Underscore Publisher(s): Musicjag Ref.: ISRC FR-5T9-23-01322 Other(s) version(s) available: Main version - Alternative version - Underscore version - Alternative version - Alternative version - Main version - |